#AUTISM PCP – A hollistic approach of person-centred planning for people with Autism


AUTISM PCP‘ is an innovative cross-sectoral partnership project with strong European

added value; as such, ‘AUTISM PCP’ addresses important horizontal as well as sectoral priorities

for the European Union, such as ‘social inclusion, adult learning policies and Early School

Leaving (ESL).

The main objectives of  ‘AUTISM_PCP’ are:

Empowerment of individuals at risk of social exclusion and more specifically empowerment of ASC


Strengthening of the overall effort for social inclusion and integration of ASC individuals at

mainstream education & society at large

Enhancing competences of professionals and all those individuals, such as family members & relatives, etc., involved in the life of ASC individuals

Raise awareness  to the general public with regards to social inclusion of pupils with Autism

Source: http://www.autismholistic.eu/