Одржaн првиот состaнок од проектот (1st meeting) Autism Friendly Spaces


Почитувaни колешки и колеги,

Со зaдоволство сaкaме дa ве информирaме декa МНЗA зaпочнa уште еден Ерaзмус плус проект под нaслов: Autism Friendly Spaces. Пaртнери во проектот се: Prisms НВО од Мaлтa кои се и носители нa проектот. Други пaртнери во проектот се:

2. Learning designers, Spain
3. Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability, Malta
4. Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism, the Republic of Macedonia
5. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Malta
6. Autisme – Europe AISBL, Belgium.

Нa состaнокот нaјпрвин се претстaвијa сите учесници. Потоa се зaпознaвме со глaвните елементи нa проектот, мултипните состaноци кои ќе се одвивaaт еднaш нa годишно ниво во Мaлтa. Секaко декa беa спомнaти и очекувaните искоди од истиот. Се воспосaтвијa нaчини зa понaтaмошнa комункaцијa. Кaко и дa е, не` очекувa многу рaботa нa создaвaње н пријaтни местa зa лицaтa со aутизaм во Мaкедонијa.

Претседaтел нa МНЗA


Third #Autism PCP transnational project meeting in Rome


Dear colleagues,

The third Autism PCP transnational project meeting was held on 27-30 September 2019 in Rome, Italy. Representatives from D.A.D.A.A (Association of Parents, Legal Guardians & Friends of Children & Adults in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Aspergers’), Scoala Gimnaziala Smaranda Gheorghiu, Cyclisis, Shipcon Limassol Limited, Parvi Nationalen Centar Po Dyslexia and Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism were hosted by our Italian partners Maendeleo for Children Aps.

The partners discussed several topics regarding the implementation process of the project. The first part was dedicated to overviewing and commenting the report summary as well as discussing the dissemination plan and tools.  In the second part of the meeting a proposed evaluation and sustainability strategy was reviewed and discussed. The third part of the meeting was concerned with an overview of the so far IO1 accomplishments. Additionally, MSSA represented shortly it’s publications plans in relation to the IOs productions. Working discussions followed the presentations on all IO products. Further work was organized in work streams and supervisors were assigned to each workgroup.

Next project meeting will take place in April 2020 in Ruse, Bulgaria.

Vice-president of MSSA


Second #AutismPCP project meeting in Bucharest


Dear colleagues,

Second Autism PCP project meeting was held on 2nd and 3rd May, in Bucharest, Romania. Participating Organisations were D.A.D.A.A, Maendeleo for Children Aps, Scoala Gimnaziala Smaranda Gheorghiu, Cyclisis, ShipCon Limassol Limited and Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism.

The subject of this transnational meeting was finalizing Intellectual Output 1a with focus on transitions. All participating organizations reported the national context regarding best practices on autism as well as common strategies identified via the questionnaire. Future tasks distribution and time table were discussed.

Next project meeting will be held in September, in Rome, Italy.

Vice-president of MSSA

#AutismPCP kick-off meeting realized in Patras


Dear colleagues,

I want to inform you that we realized the first meeting of #AutismPCP priject from December 11th to December 12th in Patras, Greece.  Twelve participants from 6 partners countries (Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Romaina, Italy and Macedonia) attended there. Participating Organisations were:

  • D.A.D.A.A (Association of Parents, Legal Guardians & Friends of Children & Adults in Autism spectrum disorders and Aspergers’)
  • Scoala Gimnaziala Smaranda Gheorghiu
  • Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism.

Partners have presented their organizations. Than presentation of project design, work plan, time table, distribution of tasks and responsibilities, were discussed. Also dissemination plan, further dissemination activities/specific tasks, website, social media, leaflet, logo, were subject of this meeting. Autism Life Planning Tools and Intellectual Output with focus on O1 were topics as well.

Next transnational meeting will held in Romania in May 2019.

President of MSSA