Cancellation 2nd Scientific ReAttach Conference 2020 in Skopje, Macedonia


Dear colleagues,

We are sorry to inform you that we have decided to cancel the 2nd Scientific ReAttach Conference on May 29th-May30th, due to the coronavirus outbreak.
We will refund all conference tickets in the upcoming weeks.

Thank you for your enthusiasm for ReAttach and the overwhelming response and the warm welcome of the Macedonian Scientific Society of Autism as co-host of this event.

We especially thank all our invited presenters for their abstract submission. We intend to continue our international friendship. Of course, we will keep you informed about their papers that are coming up, future training, and events.

We would also like to draw your attention to our peer-reviewed academic journal that was founded under the inspiring leadership of Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski: Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities. JRTDD is an open-access journal with a broad scope and a fantastic international editorial board.  You can find it at!

Yours sincerely,

ReAttach Therapy International Foundation
Drs. Paula Weerkamp-Bartholomeus,  President

Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski, President

MSSA becomes co-publisher of Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities


Dear readers,

With great pleasure I want to inform you that Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism (MSSA) becomes co-publisher of Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities together with ReAttach International Foundation from the Netherlands. This is a great honor for the members of MSSA and validation of their 20 anniversary. Together these two organizations will work much more harder to increase the quality and visibility of the journal. This is one more succes of our NGO in the field of science.

MSSA President

Преведен ATEC на македонски јазик


Почитувани колешки и колеги,

Сакаме да ве известиме дека Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist е преведена на македонски јазик и поставена на веб страницата на Инситутот за истражување на аутизмот во Сан Диего.

Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) претставува метода зa утврдување и анализа на ефективноста од третманот за аутизам. ATEC примарно е дизајниран да ја процени и утврди ефективноста на третманите со аутизам, но исто така може да биде корисен како алатка за скрининг за деца. Доколку родителите би можеле да вршат редовни психометриски проценки на нивните деца, тогаш цената на клиничките испитувања ќе се намали, овозможувајќи подолги клинички испитувања со поголем број на учесници. Прашалникот е дизајниран за употреба со деца на возраст од 2–12 години.

Листата е преведена на 22 јазици, меѓу кои и македонскиот и сите родители и професионалци можат да ја пополнат онлајн овде.

Претседател на МНЗА

ReAttach Conference – Final call for abstracts


Dear colleagues,

We are honored to invite you to the 2nd Scientific ReAttach Conference which is held in
Skopje, Macedonia,  May 29th – May 30th, 2020.  

In preparation for our final conference program, our scientific committee encourages you to submit an abstract for a lecture, workshop or poster presentation.  The general theme of the 2nd ReAttach Conference is “embracing complexity“. This theme refers to the development of specialized training for ReAttach therapists who work with complex neuro-developmental challenges. The topics below are designed to help provide coherence to the program, but not to be overly restrictive.

  • ReAttach
  • Early Intervention / Special Education
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Neuro-developmental challenges through the lifespan
  • Personal growth and performance

Special opportunities for parents, partners and service users

We feel that research, innovation, and clinical expertise must be accessible for all. Therefore a team of experts will be available for free consultations on May 31st. 

Early Bird Registration is open until December 31st
You can easily register for this event by clicking the link below.

We hope to welcome you in Skopje!

Kind regards,
ReAttach Therapy International Foundation

Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism

Third #Autism PCP transnational project meeting in Rome


Dear colleagues,

The third Autism PCP transnational project meeting was held on 27-30 September 2019 in Rome, Italy. Representatives from D.A.D.A.A (Association of Parents, Legal Guardians & Friends of Children & Adults in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Aspergers’), Scoala Gimnaziala Smaranda Gheorghiu, Cyclisis, Shipcon Limassol Limited, Parvi Nationalen Centar Po Dyslexia and Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism were hosted by our Italian partners Maendeleo for Children Aps.

The partners discussed several topics regarding the implementation process of the project. The first part was dedicated to overviewing and commenting the report summary as well as discussing the dissemination plan and tools.  In the second part of the meeting a proposed evaluation and sustainability strategy was reviewed and discussed. The third part of the meeting was concerned with an overview of the so far IO1 accomplishments. Additionally, MSSA represented shortly it’s publications plans in relation to the IOs productions. Working discussions followed the presentations on all IO products. Further work was organized in work streams and supervisors were assigned to each workgroup.

Next project meeting will take place in April 2020 in Ruse, Bulgaria.

Vice-president of MSSA


Autism Friendly Spaces new MSSA Erasmus plus project


Dear readers,

With great pleasure we want to announce that we got the new #Erasmusplus project togethter with partners from Malta, Spain and Belgium. The title of the project is Autism Friendly Spaces.

The main aim of this project is to create a change in community by :

  • adjusting environments to be more accessible to people with autism
  • providing training and creating awareness in the community
  • helping the social aspect for youth with autism.

Online modules specifically for school educators will be created. A certificate will be
provided once the modules are complete. Providing professional guidance to modify school space into an accessible and safe space for students with autism.

  • Providing professional guidance and training to employees on autism and how to
    provide an accessible space to people with autism.
  • Creating an Autism Friendly Award which will be given to shops/services who fulfill
    the criteria.
  • Creating a website and an app with information and location about the awarded
    services and shops which are participating in this project and the services that are being

President of MSSA

World #Autism Awareness Month by MSSA angle


Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism took a part in Autism Europe’s campaign. To mark World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), April 2, Autism-Europe has launched a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign “A New Dynamic for Autism” to call for policies that support the urgent needs of people on the autism spectrum across the European Union, in the context of the upcoming European Parliament elections. We translated all the documents into Macedonian and share them into mass and social media as well.

MSSA is realized the third phase of the project “Art for All” together with National Gallery of Macedonia, and we conducted the exhibition entitled “Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter … and Spring again”. Namely, there were 60 works on canvas made by children and youth with autism, included from several cities in the country.

The second public forum on “Cultural Inclusion of People with Disabilities” was held in the National Gallery as part of the activities from the project “Art for All”. The forum dedicated to culture as an important factor of change in the process of social inclusion of people with ASD and other disabilities. Ivana Vasilevska Petrovska, M.A., stressed that a society that strives to be inclusive has the obligation to take appropriate measures to provide people with autism opportunities for development and use of their creative, artistic and intellectual potential for their benefit, as well as a benefit for society.

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski gave interviews about state of art for ASD in Macedonia and Autism PCP project into three national TV stations.



Exhibition: “Spring, summer, autumn, winter…and spring again”


Dear friends,

MSSA is very pleased to inform you that on 04 April 2019, in the premises of the National Gallery of Macedonia, located in Cifte Amam, the third phase of the project “Art for All” was realized, i.e. an exhibition entitled “Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter … and Spring again”. Namely, there were 60 works on canvas made by children and youth with autism, included from several cities in the country. The exhibition was hosted by the project coordinator Maja Dimitrova, and opened by the sponsor of the project “Art for All” – the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Macedonia, Wouter Plomp.  The exhibition was enriched with the music point of the remarkable young violinist Philip Volkan.  All the participants from this project, including MSSA members, received an acknowledgment of their participation, investment and active work with the children during the workshops.

We are happy to be part of this project that we managed through art to look at the world from a different angle – through the eyes of these children.

Look at autism with your heart, your eyes may miss something…

Secretary of MSSA

МНЗА се придружи во кампањата за #WAAD2019 заедно со Аутизам Европа


Почитувани колешки и колеги,

Уште пред три седмици МНЗА се придружи на кампањата за одбележување на светскиот ден на аутизмот 2 април заедно со Аутизам Европа. Ги преведовме на македонски јазик нивните материјали кои се достапни на нивната веб страница. Алатките за кампањата можете да ги преземете од следниот линк.

Светскиот ден на аутизмот е прогласен од Генералното Собрание на Обединетите Нации во 2007 година како ден на кој треба да се посвети внимание на ургентните потреби на лицата со аутизам ширум светот. МНЗА овој ден го одбележува од 2011 година.

Се претпоставува дека 7 милиони луѓе во ЕУ имаат аутистичен спектар на нарушување. Многу од нив се соочуваат со дискриминација и се подложни на социјална исклученост. За да одговори на секојдневните предизвици со кои се соочуваат лицата со аутизам Аутизам Европа ја започна кампањата под наслов: „Нова динамика за аутизмот. I ∞ аутизам”. Покрај тоа што македонскиот јазик се` уште не е еден од официјалните јазици во ЕУ, ние како МНЗА сепак успеавме да го наметнеме и да се појават овие материјали на нашиот македонски јазик на нивната веб страница.

Аутизмот е доживотна состојба и во сите земји членки на ЕУ, а и надвор од неа лицата со АСН се соочуваат со слични предизвици како што се: навремена дијагноза, образование, здравствени услуги, домување и животна поддршка од страна на заедницата. Потребен е холистичен пристап за потребите на овие лица кој ние членовите на МНЗА секојдневно го применуваме во нашите активности и проекти.

Сите вие што сакате да се вклучите во кампањата можете да ја поддржите на одреден начин. Прво, можете да ги споделувате на социјалните медиуми сите алатки од погорниот линк на македонски јазик користејќи го хаштагот #AutismDay2019. Официјалното видео за кампањата е креирано од Аутизам Шпанија, членка на Аутизам Европа. Целта е што подобра социјална инклузија на лицата со аутизам. АЕ ја објави алатката за кампањата која ги објаснува целите на кампањата и вклучува материјали и стратегии на повеќе од 14 јазици, како и на формат лесен за читање.

Македонското научно здружение за аутизам е невладина и непрофитна научна организација чии што цели се откривање на причините на АСН, рана дијагноза и рана интервенција, поддршка на правата на лицата со аутизам и нивните семејства и подобрување на квалитетот на нивниот живот воопшто.

Претседател на МНЗА