Signed cooperation agreement between UNICEF MK and MSSA


Dear colleagues,

We are glad to announce that we signed a cooperation agreement between UNICEF MK and Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism on the project entitled: “Autism Social Skills and Positive Parenting Program. It is a small scale funding agreement and the duration of the project will be one year. With this, our NGO will help again to the children with #autism in Macedonia and their families as well. We are working in continuum 19 years on the improvement of the quality of life of those vulnerable category of our citizens. I would like to express my gratitude to all involved persons in this first stage of the project. We hope that the final results of the project will satisfied families who have children with autism.

President of MSSA


2nd ReAttach Conference in Skopje, Macedonia

Dear colleagues,
We are honored to invite you at the 2nd Scientific ReAttach Conference which be held in
Skopje, Macedonia, May 29th – May 30th 2020.
Conference Program / Abstract submission
In preparation of our final conference program, our scientific committee encourages you to submit an abstract for a lecture, workshop or poster presentation.  The general theme of the 2nd ReAttach Conference is “embracing complexity“. This theme refers to the development of specialized training for ReAttach therapists who work with complex neuro-developmental challenges. The topics below are designed to help provide coherence to the program, but not to be overly restrictive.
  • ReAttach
  • Early Intervention / Special Education
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Neuro-developmental challenges through the lifespan
  • Personal growth and performance
Special opportunities for parents, partners and service users
We feel that research, innovation and clinical expertise must be accessible for all. Therefore a team of experts will be available for free consultations May 31st. 
Early Bird Registration is open.
You can easily register for this event by clicking the link below.
Scientific Committee is very well experienced.
For additional questions you can contact us by email:  and
Conference web site:  
We hope to welcome you in Skopje, Macedonia!
Kind regards,

ReAttach Therapy International Foundation

Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism

Second #AutismPCP project meeting in Bucharest


Dear colleagues,

Second Autism PCP project meeting was held on 2nd and 3rd May, in Bucharest, Romania. Participating Organisations were D.A.D.A.A, Maendeleo for Children Aps, Scoala Gimnaziala Smaranda Gheorghiu, Cyclisis, ShipCon Limassol Limited and Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism.

The subject of this transnational meeting was finalizing Intellectual Output 1a with focus on transitions. All participating organizations reported the national context regarding best practices on autism as well as common strategies identified via the questionnaire. Future tasks distribution and time table were discussed.

Next project meeting will be held in September, in Rome, Italy.

Vice-president of MSSA

Role of NMDA receptor autoimmunity induced by food protein containing vaccines, in the etiology of autism, type 1 diabetes, neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders


October 2018

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1463600

Vaccines contain numerous animal and plant proteins (soy, peanut, sesame, maize, wheat, etc.). Vaccine excipients are derived from plant or animal sources. The mechanism of animal protein induced autoimmunity was previously described. Following a report associating maternal gluten intake to type 1 diabetes in the offspring, plant proteins were investigated. The Pandemrix vaccine induced narcolepsy due to molecular mimicry between a H1N1 nucleoprotein peptide in the vaccine and the human hypocretin receptor 2. The BLASTP match score for this peptide was used as a baseline. BLASTP showed strong sequence alignment between gliadin, a wheat protein, and the human ionotropic N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR). Analyzing further, strong sequence alignment was found between soy, peanut, sesame, maize, wheat and human glutamate receptors (GR), both ionotropic and metabotropic. There are reports of boosted wheat allergy and de novo synthesis of NMDAR antibodies following immunization. Once immunized with plant derived antigens, antibody levels will be increased by dietary exposure to these antigens. GR are expressed in the brain, heart, pancreas and the T cells of the immune system. Vaccine induced GR antibodies (GRA) disrupt or destroy GR thus precipitating numerous disorders. This explains the epidemic of food intolerances and food associated immune mediated disorders. Intestinal barrier disruption has been proposed as a cause for food associated autoimmune disorders. However, intestinal barrier disruption may itself be the result of GRA. GRA also disrupt the blood-brain barrier. This allows other anti-brain antibodies access to their targets. Vaccine-induced GRA can therefore explain a wide variety of disorders including autism, type 1 diabetes, attention deficit hyperactivity, epilepsy, schizophrenia, autoimmune encephalitis, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, cancer and allergies. The ultimate solution is to immediately remove all non-target proteins from all vaccines.
Source: ResearhGate

World #Autism Awareness Month by MSSA angle


Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism took a part in Autism Europe’s campaign. To mark World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD), April 2, Autism-Europe has launched a Europe-wide awareness raising campaign “A New Dynamic for Autism” to call for policies that support the urgent needs of people on the autism spectrum across the European Union, in the context of the upcoming European Parliament elections. We translated all the documents into Macedonian and share them into mass and social media as well.

MSSA is realized the third phase of the project “Art for All” together with National Gallery of Macedonia, and we conducted the exhibition entitled “Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter … and Spring again”. Namely, there were 60 works on canvas made by children and youth with autism, included from several cities in the country.

The second public forum on “Cultural Inclusion of People with Disabilities” was held in the National Gallery as part of the activities from the project “Art for All”. The forum dedicated to culture as an important factor of change in the process of social inclusion of people with ASD and other disabilities. Ivana Vasilevska Petrovska, M.A., stressed that a society that strives to be inclusive has the obligation to take appropriate measures to provide people with autism opportunities for development and use of their creative, artistic and intellectual potential for their benefit, as well as a benefit for society.

Prof. Dr. Vladimir Trajkovski gave interviews about state of art for ASD in Macedonia and Autism PCP project into three national TV stations.



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Public forum on “Cultural inclusion of people with disabilities”


Dear colleagues,

On April 5, 2019, the second public forum on “Cultural Inclusion of Disabled People” was held in the National Gallery as part of the activities from the project “Art for All”. The forum dedicated to culture as an important factor of change in the process of social inclusion of people with special needs is concluding the third, penultimate phase of this project supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Macedonia, coordinated by Ms. Maja Dimitrova.

Participating at the event were Ms. Mila Tsarovska, Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Mr. Enver Huseini, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education and Science, Dr. Dita Starova Qerimi, Director of the National Gallery, Ms. Dragi Celevski, State Counselor at the Ombudsman, Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Bedi, Vice-Dean at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Prof. Vladimir Martinovski, Ph.D., Department of General and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Philology and Ms. Ivana Vasilevska Petrovska, MA, Special Educator and Rehabilitator, Vice-President of the Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism.

Ms. Ivana Vasilevska Petrovska stressed that a society that strives to be inclusive has the obligation to take appropriate measures to provide people with autism opportunities for development and use of their creative, artistic and intellectual potential for their benefit, as well as a benefit for society. “Through artistic creation, ways are created for these artists to be seen as capable, and their strengths are visible, valued, desired and appreciated. These events and all activities from the project are a contribution to transforming the perceptions regarding the competence of people with autism to create art and be part of our society. “

Also, she took this opportunity to promote the activities of MSSA in the next period within the project Autism PCP – A holistic Approach of person-centred planning for people with Autism. “In the next three years, within the framework of this project, we will empower people with autism at risk of social exclusion, strengthen general efforts to include autistic people in regular education and society, and strengthen the competencies of professionals working with and for these persons, and support the families of people with autism. “

The forum was held in the surroundings of the exhibition “Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter … and Spring Again” made by students with autism, followed by a projection of the short documentary recorded during the art- workshops, by Kiril Shentevski.

Vice President of MSSA

Трибина на тема„ Културолошка инклузија на лицата со посебни потреби“


Почитувани колешки и колеги,

Вчера на 05.04.2019 во Националната галерија на Македонија се одржа втората по ред трибина на тема „Културолошка инклузија на лицата со посебни потреби“ во рамки на проектот „ Уметност за сите “. Со трибината посветена на културата како важен фактор на промена во процесот на социјална инклузија на лицата со посебни потреби се заокружува третата, претпоследна фаза на овој проект под покровителство  на амбасадата на Кралство Холандија во Република Македонија, чиј координатор е м-р Маја Димитрова.

На настанот свои излагања имаа г-ѓа Мила Царовска, министерка за труд и социјална политика, г-дин Енвер Хусеини – Државен секретар во Министерство за образование и наука, д-р Дита Старова Ќерими, директор на Националната Галерија на Македонија, м-р Драги Целевски, државен советник кај Народен правобранител, проф. Ибрахим Беди, Продекан на факултетот за ликовна уметност, проф. д-р Владимир Мартиновски, Катедра за општа и компративна книжевност при Филолошкиот факултет и м-р Ивана Василевска Петровска, дефектолог, потпретседател на Македонското научно здружение за аутизам.

М-р Ивана Василевска Петровска истакна дека општеството кое се стреми да биде инклузивно, има обврска да преземе соодветни мерки за да им обезбеди на лицата со аутизам можности за развој и користење на нивниот креативен, уметнички и интелектуален потенцијал, за нивна корист, како и придобивка за општетството.  Ваквите настани и активностите од овој проект, се еден придонес кон трансформирање на перцепциите во однос на лицата со аутизам. На овој начин сите општествени чинители можат да ги доживеат овие уметници  како нешто повеќе од аутистични. Преку ликовното творештво се креираат начини овие уметници да бидат видени како способни, а нивните силни страни да бидат видливи, вреднувани, посакувани и ценети.

Исто така, таа ја искористи оваа прилика да ги промовира активностите на МНЗА во следниот период во рамки на проектот Индивидуално насочено планирање за лицата со аутизам.

Трибината се одржа во во амбиентот на изложбата „ Пролет, лето, есен, зима… и повторно пролет“ изработена од учениците со аутизам, а беше прикажано краткото

видео на Кирил Шентевски, снимено за време на креативните работилници.

Потпретседател на МНЗА




Exhibition: “Spring, summer, autumn, winter…and spring again”


Dear friends,

MSSA is very pleased to inform you that on 04 April 2019, in the premises of the National Gallery of Macedonia, located in Cifte Amam, the third phase of the project “Art for All” was realized, i.e. an exhibition entitled “Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter … and Spring again”. Namely, there were 60 works on canvas made by children and youth with autism, included from several cities in the country. The exhibition was hosted by the project coordinator Maja Dimitrova, and opened by the sponsor of the project “Art for All” – the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Republic of Macedonia, Wouter Plomp.  The exhibition was enriched with the music point of the remarkable young violinist Philip Volkan.  All the participants from this project, including MSSA members, received an acknowledgment of their participation, investment and active work with the children during the workshops.

We are happy to be part of this project that we managed through art to look at the world from a different angle – through the eyes of these children.

Look at autism with your heart, your eyes may miss something…

Secretary of MSSA

Изложба „Пролет, лето, есен, зима…и повторно пролет”


Почитувани пријатели,

МНЗА со големо задоволство Ве известува дека денес, 04.04.2019 година во просториите на Националната галерија на Македонија, лоцирана во Чифте Амам се реализираше третата фаза од проектот „Уметност за сите”, односно отворена беше изложбата под наслов „Пролет, лето, есен, зима… и повторно пролет“. Имено, изложени беа 60 дела на платно изработени од страна на деца и младинци со аутизам, вклучени од повеќе градови во државата.  Изложбата беше водена од координаторот на проектот м-р Маја Димитрова, а ја отвори покровителот на проектот „Уметност за сите“ – амбасадорот на Кралство Холандија во Република Македонија г-дин Вутер Пломп. Изложбата беше збогатено со музичка точка на извонредниот млад виолинист Филип Волкан. Сите учесници од овој проект, меѓу кои и членовите на МНЗА добија благодарница за учество, вложување и активна работа со децата за време на работилниците.

Среќни сме што бевме дел од овој проект, што успеавме преку уметност да го погледнеме светот од еден поинаков агол-преку очите на овие деца.

Гледај на аутизмот со своето срце,  твоите очи можеби ќе испуштат нешто…

Секретар на МНЗА