Oxidative Stress in Autism Spectrum Disorder

 2020 Feb 5. doi: 10.1007/s12035-019-01742-2. [Epub ahead of print]

Bjørklund G1, Meguid NA2,3, El-Bana MA3,4, Tinkov AA5,6,7, Saad K8,9, Dadar M10, Hemimi M2,3, Skalny AV6,7,11,12, Hosnedlová B13,14, Kizek R13,14, Osredkar J15, Urbina MA16, Fabjan T15, El-Houfey AA9,17,18, Kałużna-Czaplińska J19,20, Gątarek P19,20, Chirumbolo S21,22.


According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as of July 11, 2016, the reported average incidence of children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) was 1 in 68 (1.46%) among 8-year-old children born in 2004 and living within the 11 monitoring sites’ surveillance areas in the United States of America (USA) in 2012. ASD is a multifaceted neurodevelopmental disorder that is also considered a hidden disability, as, for the most part; there are no apparent morphological differences between children with ASD and typically developing children. ASD is diagnosed based upon a triad of features including impairment in socialization, impairment in language, and repetitive and stereotypic behaviors. The increasing incidence of ASD in the pediatric population and the lack of successful curative therapies make ASD one of the most challenging disorders for medicine. ASD neurobiology is thought to be associated with oxidative stress, as shown by increased levels of reactive oxygen species and increased lipid peroxidation, as well as an increase in other indicators of oxidative stress. Children with ASD diagnosis are considered more vulnerable to oxidative stress because of their imbalance in intracellular and extracellular glutathione levels and decreased glutathione reserve capacity. Several studies have suggested that the redox imbalance and oxidative stress are integral parts of ASD pathophysiology. As such, early assessment and treatment of antioxidant status may result in a better prognosis as it could decrease the oxidative stress in the brain before it can induce more irreversible brain damage. In this review, many aspects of the role of oxidative stress in ASD are discussed, taking into account that the process of oxidative stress may be a target for therapeutic interventions.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32026227

MSSA becomes co-publisher of Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities


Dear readers,

With great pleasure I want to inform you that Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism (MSSA) becomes co-publisher of Journal for ReAttach Therapy and Developmental Diversities together with ReAttach International Foundation from the Netherlands. This is a great honor for the members of MSSA and validation of their 20 anniversary. Together these two organizations will work much more harder to increase the quality and visibility of the journal. This is one more succes of our NGO in the field of science.

MSSA President

Преведен ATEC на македонски јазик


Почитувани колешки и колеги,

Сакаме да ве известиме дека Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist е преведена на македонски јазик и поставена на веб страницата на Инситутот за истражување на аутизмот во Сан Диего.

Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) претставува метода зa утврдување и анализа на ефективноста од третманот за аутизам. ATEC примарно е дизајниран да ја процени и утврди ефективноста на третманите со аутизам, но исто така може да биде корисен како алатка за скрининг за деца. Доколку родителите би можеле да вршат редовни психометриски проценки на нивните деца, тогаш цената на клиничките испитувања ќе се намали, овозможувајќи подолги клинички испитувања со поголем број на учесници. Прашалникот е дизајниран за употреба со деца на возраст од 2–12 години.

Листата е преведена на 22 јазици, меѓу кои и македонскиот и сите родители и професионалци можат да ја пополнат онлајн овде.

Претседател на МНЗА

ReAttach Conference – Final call for abstracts


Dear colleagues,

We are honored to invite you to the 2nd Scientific ReAttach Conference which is held in
Skopje, Macedonia,  May 29th – May 30th, 2020.  

In preparation for our final conference program, our scientific committee encourages you to submit an abstract for a lecture, workshop or poster presentation.  The general theme of the 2nd ReAttach Conference is “embracing complexity“. This theme refers to the development of specialized training for ReAttach therapists who work with complex neuro-developmental challenges. The topics below are designed to help provide coherence to the program, but not to be overly restrictive.

  • ReAttach
  • Early Intervention / Special Education
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Neuro-developmental challenges through the lifespan
  • Personal growth and performance

Special opportunities for parents, partners and service users

We feel that research, innovation, and clinical expertise must be accessible for all. Therefore a team of experts will be available for free consultations on May 31st. 

Early Bird Registration is open until December 31st
You can easily register for this event by clicking the link below.

We hope to welcome you in Skopje!

Kind regards,
ReAttach Therapy International Foundation

Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism

Одржaн првиот состaнок од проектот (1st meeting) Autism Friendly Spaces


Почитувaни колешки и колеги,

Со зaдоволство сaкaме дa ве информирaме декa МНЗA зaпочнa уште еден Ерaзмус плус проект под нaслов: Autism Friendly Spaces. Пaртнери во проектот се: Prisms НВО од Мaлтa кои се и носители нa проектот. Други пaртнери во проектот се:

2. Learning designers, Spain
3. Commission for the Rights of Persons with Disability, Malta
4. Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism, the Republic of Macedonia
5. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Malta
6. Autisme – Europe AISBL, Belgium.

Нa состaнокот нaјпрвин се претстaвијa сите учесници. Потоa се зaпознaвме со глaвните елементи нa проектот, мултипните состaноци кои ќе се одвивaaт еднaш нa годишно ниво во Мaлтa. Секaко декa беa спомнaти и очекувaните искоди од истиот. Се воспосaтвијa нaчини зa понaтaмошнa комункaцијa. Кaко и дa е, не` очекувa многу рaботa нa создaвaње н пријaтни местa зa лицaтa со aутизaм во Мaкедонијa.

Претседaтел нa МНЗA


Одржана првата обука од АСП проектот


Почитувани читатели,

Сакаме да ве известиме дека на 9 и 10 ноември 2019 година МНЗА ја одржана првата обука во рамките на АСП проектот во Центарот за аутизам во Топанско поле. Проектот е со финансиска поддршка од УНИЦЕФ и амбасадата на Кралството на Велика Британија во Скопје. Програмата за социјални вештини и позитивно родителство е системска интервенција од која е од поголема помош за семејствата со аутизам. Во првата фаза од овој проект се едуцираат професионалците, а во втората родителите на децата со аутистичен спектар на нарушувања. Во првиот викенд професионалците се здобија со следните знаења:

Вовед во аутистичниот спектар на нарушувања;

Визуелна поддршка на учењето;

Позитивни пристапи кон сексуалниот развој и едукација;

Управување со сензорната чувствителност;

Позитивни пристапи кон социјалниот развој, комуникација и интеракција;

Разбирање и управување со предизвикувачкото однесување.

За две седмици продолжуваат обуките и професионалците ќе добијат знаења за социјалните вештини, социјалните приказни и како да ги подобрат социјалните однесувања на своите клиенти. Во продолжение проследете слики од настанот.

Претседател на МНЗА


Third #Autism PCP transnational project meeting in Rome


Dear colleagues,

The third Autism PCP transnational project meeting was held on 27-30 September 2019 in Rome, Italy. Representatives from D.A.D.A.A (Association of Parents, Legal Guardians & Friends of Children & Adults in Autism Spectrum Disorders and Aspergers’), Scoala Gimnaziala Smaranda Gheorghiu, Cyclisis, Shipcon Limassol Limited, Parvi Nationalen Centar Po Dyslexia and Macedonian Scientific Society for Autism were hosted by our Italian partners Maendeleo for Children Aps.

The partners discussed several topics regarding the implementation process of the project. The first part was dedicated to overviewing and commenting the report summary as well as discussing the dissemination plan and tools.  In the second part of the meeting a proposed evaluation and sustainability strategy was reviewed and discussed. The third part of the meeting was concerned with an overview of the so far IO1 accomplishments. Additionally, MSSA represented shortly it’s publications plans in relation to the IOs productions. Working discussions followed the presentations on all IO products. Further work was organized in work streams and supervisors were assigned to each workgroup.

Next project meeting will take place in April 2020 in Ruse, Bulgaria.

Vice-president of MSSA


Autism Friendly Spaces new MSSA Erasmus plus project


Dear readers,

With great pleasure we want to announce that we got the new #Erasmusplus project togethter with partners from Malta, Spain and Belgium. The title of the project is Autism Friendly Spaces.

The main aim of this project is to create a change in community by :

  • adjusting environments to be more accessible to people with autism
  • providing training and creating awareness in the community
  • helping the social aspect for youth with autism.

Online modules specifically for school educators will be created. A certificate will be
provided once the modules are complete. Providing professional guidance to modify school space into an accessible and safe space for students with autism.

  • Providing professional guidance and training to employees on autism and how to
    provide an accessible space to people with autism.
  • Creating an Autism Friendly Award which will be given to shops/services who fulfill
    the criteria.
  • Creating a website and an app with information and location about the awarded
    services and shops which are participating in this project and the services that are being

President of MSSA